Bentley LumenRT Help

360 Project Tours

With LumenRT (Pro Version), users can create 360 panoramic project tours that are automatically uploaded and shared on the web via your Bentley Connect account and can be accessed by any user via a web browser. 360 Project Tours are included as a free feature for up to 10 project tours for each LumenRT Pro Connect user. With 360 Project Tours, users can:

  • quickly create self-guided project demonstrations that allow any user to navigate and explore project features
  • share 360 panoramic image snapshots with any client or colleague using a web browser
  • create self-running kiosk presentations for trade shows and outreach events

LumenRT 360 Project Tour Viewer

360 Project Tours are created as a series of individual 360 panoramic snapshots using the LumenRT Photo strip timeline. The Photo strip timeline is a specially named video clip for storing images created by either:

  • using the snapshot key "F6" or
  • renaming any video clip to "Photo strip" (case sensitive)

LumenRT Photo Strip Time-line

The name of each panoramic image that appears in the 360-viewer index is taken from the label name of each snapshot on the Photo strip timeline (see below). The name is set on the timeline underneath each image by clicking and typing in the label box.

Setting Image Snapshot Name

To export the 360 Project Tour to the Bentley, Connect web server, follow the sequence as illustrated below:

360 Project Tour Export Sequence

  1. Click the clip "Export Clip" menu item
  2. Select "Web 360" as the destination
  3. Set resolution, quality and name of the project tour

Upon clicking the "Ok" button, LumenRT will create the 360 image sequence, upload it to the Bentley Connect server, and then return a web link to the completed 360 Project Tour.

To manage 360 project tours, go to File - Sharing - Cloud Storage 360 Tours. Here, users can delete and see the size of each Project Tour.

360 Project Tours Management Dialog

  1. Each user can store and maintain up to 10GB of active Project Tour data.
  2. In the future, users will have the option to extend the Project Tour data limit using cloud credits.
  3. If a user uploads a Project Tour with the same name as an existing project tour, a prompt will appear asking to overwrite the older Project Tour.